Affiliate FAQ

We’re glad that you like and that you want to help share it with more people through our Affiliate Program. By joining our affiliate program you can earn commissions on referrals. Here are the most frequently asked questions about’s Affiliate Program.


  • How do I change my contact information?
    You can change your information by going to the “Settings” section.
  • Can I refer other resellers or affiliates to
    Yes, of course! You can tell others about our affiliate program, but there’s no commission at this time for doing so.
  • What do Unpaid and Paid mean with regards to commission?
    • Unpaid – each order is set to “pending” for 30 days. Until this period is over, no commission will be paid out for this referral sale.
    • Paid – there were no problems or delays with this sale, and the commission has been credited to your account.


  • How do I add advertisements to my website?
    When you generate advertising materials like a banner, you’ll receive a snippet of code. You can simply paste this code into your website.
    Step 1. Go to the ‘Creatives’ section
    Step 2. Choose the banner you want to use and copy and paste the HTML code into your website.affiliate
  • May I use my own materials for advertisements or banners?
    No, this is not currently allowed.
  • I have trouble with copy and pasting the code into my website/page?
    Please get in touch with us through

Tracking and Reporting

  • How do I find out if a sale was referred from my site?
    In the Referrals section, you have an overview of all leads referred from your site. You can also check the status of your commission here.
  • I think there might be a technical issue. What do I do?
    Please get in touch with us through
  • How long is a cookie valid?
    A cookie expires after 30 days.
  • What happens when a user visits my site as well as the sites of other affiliates? To whom is the user allocated?
    We use the “last cookie wins” method. This means the first cookie will be overwritten by any subsequent cookies.

Commission Payments

  • When is commission paid?
    As soon as you have reached the minimum payment amount, you can request that your commission is paid to you by contacting us.
  • What is the minimum payment amount?
    Payments take place after you’ve reached at least $20 in unpaid commission.
  • I’ve noticed a discrepancy between the payments and my calculations.
    Please contact us with details at